Venn Rollout Toolkit

We recommend incorporating the following steps into your rollout process for the best chance of long-term success and adoption.

Rollout Step Venn Resources
Send welcome emails to users Introduction to Venn Email Template
  -  Download .docx
  -  Copy Google Doc

Venn Rollout Email Template
  -  Download .docx
  -  Copy Google Doc
Share helpful resources with users Use these core resources: 
  -  Article: What is Venn?
  -  Video: Protecting Personal Privacy with Venn's Blue Border
  -  Article: Venn Privacy and Data Collection Guide

Visit the Using Venn category of the Help Center for other end-user resources.
Deliver a live welcome session to end users Slide deck template
  -  Download .pptx
  -  Copy Google Slides

Training guide
  -  Download .docx
  -  Copy Google Doc
Distribute onboarding instructions Computer Onboarding
  -  Third Party-Managed Identity
            >  Windows Devices
            >  Mac Devices
  -  Venn-Managed Identity
            >  Windows Devices
            >  Mac Devices

Mobile Device Onboarding: Android & Apple devices

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