Customize the Company Theme

Venn allows Company Managers to customize your company's theme in order to align your users' experience in Venn with your company's brand. Customizing your theme reinforces for the user that they're in the right place when they log in to Venn.

View Your Company Theme

  1. Navigate to and sign in with valid credentials.
    You may be required to verify the sign-in by completing the multifactor authentication on your mobile device.
  2. Click Company admin or Manage > Company admin.
  3. Click Theme in the menu at left.
    Company Admin Menu_Theme.png

You will see your current company theme.

Company Admin_Theme_Default.png

Available Theme Customizations

As a Company Manager, you can adjust the following theme settings.

At a minimum, we recommend adding a logo so that users will see a familiar image in the Badge.
Setting Description Preview
Logo This logo will appear in the Badge, in the top left corner of the Workplace Web App, and in the top left corner of the Workplace Mobile App.

Open Badge Screenshot_Workplace Logo.png

Workplace Web App_Theme Example_Logo.png

Workplace Mobile App_Theme Example_Logo-portrait.png

Main Color

When a logo is uploaded, Venn will automatically isolate the top five colors from the logo for you to choose from as your main color. 

Your selected color will be used as a text and button highlight color in the Workplace Web App.

If you do not select a main color, Venn's default blue will be used.

Workplace Web App_Theme Example_Main Color.png

Enrollment Page_Theme Example_Main Color.png

Sign-in Background This image will appear in the background for your company's enrollment link (https://[COMPANY_ID] Enrollment Page_Theme Example_Background Image.png
Sign-in Window Header This image will appear in the sign-in window for your company's enrollment link (https://[COMPANY_ID] Enrollment Page_Theme Example_Window Header.png

If you would like to reset your theme to the Venn default, click Reset theme.

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