E:104.02 - Resources: Search, Directory, Notifications, Account Menu, Help

Aside from the different features of Workplace, let’s discover the many resources in Workplace for Browsers that provide you quick access to your work.


Sign in to Workplace for Windows or macOS, then click the icon-genericbrowser.svg icon, which will take you to Workplace for Browsers. 

The Search field helps you find anything, located anywhere in Workplace.Start typing the name of a website, contact, file or folder and select it from the results list. 


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The Company directory is where you’ll see your co-worker's contact information. Scroll to browse or use Search at the top of the list to find a contact.



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Workplace keeps users notified about upcoming events under the Notifications drop down menu at the top of Workplace for Browsers.


Here you will find information about upcoming downtime and maintenance events as well as other relevant information. Users will be alerted about new notifications when they sign in to the Workplace web app with a message at the top of the screen.


This alert may be closed without affecting the read/unread status of the notification. All active read and unread notifications can be found under the Notifications drop down. Here you may click on each notification for more info or you can Mark all as read.


Once a notification has been read, it will remain listed under the drop down until no longer active. When a notification is no longer active, it will disappear from the Notifications drop down menu even if it is unread.

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Account Menu

To find account and device information, Click the icon-big-profile Account menu and select Profile and settings. 


  • Profile: Update your personal details.


  • Change Password: Change your password or view its expiration.


  • Devices and security: Click to review your connected devices and verify your account activity. For more information, click the info.png . This data could be helpful if a device has been been lost or stolen, and you can disconnect and wipe all Workplace files from a device in this screen.

  • Click Activity to see your device activity. You can search for a device, sort device activity by date, and fine-tune specific device activity search criteria in the Pro Filter.


Also under your profile menu, click Download Apps to download Workplace onto your other devices.


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For other types of support, click the Help button, or lifesaver. 

  • Search Help Center for FAQ's and other help articles.
  • Contact support and follow up on support requests.


As you can see, Workplace provides you with many resources to keep you productive.


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