Approving a Pending Session

Note: To Approve a Pending Session, You Must Have Access to Workplace as a Company Manager.
At Workplace, our priority is security.  Workplace implements important security features, such as minimum password complexity and multi-factor authentication, to prevent unauthorized access. 
With multi-factor authentication, Workplace requires an element you physically possess and information that only you know, such as a password, to authenticate a sign in.  For example, to verify your identity when using an ATM, you need to have your ATM card and know your account PIN.  A part of the authentication is having access to something physically, such as a mobile device.  Workplace users can use Workplace Mobile Application, Symantec VIP or SMS text messaging for multi-factor authentication.  
In cases where a user is unable to access their mobile device, Company Managers can complete multi-factor authentication login process by approving pending sessions.  


Approve a Pending Session

  1. Navigate to and sign in with valid credentials.
    You may be required to verify the sign-in by completing the multi-factor authentication on your mobile device.
  2. Click Company admin or Manage > Company admin.
  3. Click Manage users.
  4. Click on the user name of the account.
  5. Click on Pending sessions in the sidebar.
  6. Click Allow.
Workplace will allow this specific session to continue and the user will be signed into Workplace.

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