To Reset an Account Password, You Must Have Access to Workplace as A Company Manager.
At Workplace, our priority is security. Workplace implements important security features, such as minimum password complexity and multi-factor authentication, to prevent unauthorized access.
A Workplace account will be inaccessible when a user is unable to provide correct credentials and will lock an account when multiple invalid sign in attempts occur. When a Workplace user forgets their password to access Workplace:
- The user can Reset their password when Self-Service Password Reset is enabled.
- The user can Contact a Company Manager to reset their password.
- Or the user can Contact Workplace Support to reset their password, which requires Company Manager approval.
When a Workplace account is locked, a Workplace user will be unable to access their Workplace account until the account is unlocked by a company manager. This is required even after a password is changed or reset.
Reset an Account Password
- Navigate to and sign in with valid credentials.
You may be required to verify the sign-in by completing the multi-factor authentication on your mobile device.
- Click Company admin or Manage > Company admin.
- Click Manage users.
- Click on the user name of the account.
- Click on Security options in the sidebar.
- Click Reset.
- Workplace will reset the account password and generate a new activation code for login.
- The Company Manager must share the activation code with the team member. The user will then be able sign in to Workplace using their existing email address and the activation code.
- If the account was locked due to too many invalid sign in attempts, a Company Manager MUST unlock the account, after resetting a password.