Sign In Troubleshooting / FAQ

Here are some common issues or questions when troubleshooting signing into Workplace.

What is my password/activation code?

  • If you are unable to recall your password, learn how to reset your account password.
  • If this is your first time using Workplace, contact your company manager to obtain your activation code.

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What is my username?

  • Workplace has renamed the Email field to Username.  If you used to sign-in with an email address in the past, use your email address as your Username.
  • If this is your first time using Workplace, contact your company manager to obtain your username.

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I can't receive sign-in verification because my device is offline.

Smartphone notifications occasionally get lost as they travel through various systems. Workplace Mobile can provide an Offline Code that allows you to sign in even if your mobile device can’t receive notifications.

Note: Your computer must be connected to the internet to sign in, even when using an Offline Code.  If you have no internet access, you will not be able to sign into Workplace.

To obtain an offline code:

  1. Launch Workplace Desktop and sign in using your username and password.
    • In the Workplace Web App, click Skip to reveal the offline code section.
    • In the Workplace for Windows, click Skip to reveal the offline code section.
    • In the Workplace for Mac, click the Triangle to reveal the offline code section.
  2. Launch the Workplace Mobile application and authenticate using your Workplace pin or biometrics.
  3. Tap the More menu.
  4. Tap Offline Code.
    Workplace will display an 8-digit code.  This code will refresh every 60 seconds.
  5. On your computer, enter the 8-digit code on the sign-in prompt and click Sign in.

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I can't receive SMS sign-in verification

If SMS two factor authentication is turned on and your phone does not have service, you will not be able to access Workplace. However, if your mobile device can access the internet, you maybe able to work around this issue. 

There are three ways you can get back to work:

  1. Contact your company manager and switch your authentication method to the Workplace Mobile App.  You will have to download and install Workplace Mobile in addition to contacting your company manager.
  2. Contact your company manager to approve your pending session.
  3. Contact your company manager and switch your authentication method to none.
    • Workplace does not recommend turning off two-factor authentication since it drastically lowers the security of your account.  Turn off two-factor authentication at your own risk.

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I Can't Verify My Sign-In via Symantec VIP

We recommend the following when issues arise with Symantec VIP:

  • Restart your devices.
  • Verify your internet connectivity.
    • Try another WiFi system or cellular data.
    • Verify Symantec VIP is allowed to use cellular data. (iOS / Android)
  • Reinstall the Symantec VIP application.
  • Verify your date and time settings.
    • When the date and time settings on your mobile device and computer do not match, Symantec VIP may not operate correctly.
  • Contact support.

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I have received a Username/Password combination error

  • You may have entered an incorrect password. Learn how to reset your password.
  • You may have locked your account after multiple incorrect sign-in attempts.  Contact your company manager to unlock your account or contact support.
  • Verify you are using the correct region/language settings on your device.
Instructions to
Update Settings


  • Set Region to the United States


  • Set Region to Australia


  • Set Region to the United States


  • Set Region to Australia
  • Set Region to the United States
  • Set Language to English (US)


  • Set Region to Australia
  • Set Language to English (Australia)


  • Set Language to English (United States)


  • Set Language to English (Australia) 


I can't verify my sign in using my iPhone or Apple Watch

You might not see the action buttons (Approve, Dismiss) on your iPhone or Apple Watch when you sign in to Workplace. This might happen if you have recently restored your device from a backup. Because the Apple Watch mirrors notifications you receive from Workplace on your phone, you will need to do the following:

  1. Uninstall Workplace on your iPhone and then reboot the phone.
  2. Reinstall Workplace on your iPhone and sign in.
  3. Use a secondary device to authenticate, or contact your company manager to approve your pending session.

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