Dynamic Access Control: FAQ

Venn continuously works to enable a free and flexible workforce without compromising organizational security and compliance. In the pursuit of enabling people to work safely from anywhere, Workplace will be changing some of its sign in requirements.

In order to sign in to Workplace, the desktop application Workplace for Windows or Mac must be installed in order to facilitate Compliance Status device checks. In addition, the Workplace extension must be installed and enabled. This desktop software install requirement allows for the Phase I rollout of a key feature, Dynamic Access Control.

Dynamic Access Control:

  • Enforces a firm's compliance policy using the industry's most comprehensive menu of criteria and controls
  • Analyzes devices' security and compliance statuses in real-time
  • Enables conditional access to specific applications, websites and files
  • Acts as a gate to dynamically permit or deny access based on a firm's compliance policy

This step is Phase I in a much larger process to implement new, more secure features for our customers. Phase II will allow for the implementation of Compliance Policy Enforcement with flexible access to Workplace. Phase II of this rollout will begin at some time in 2022.



Frequently Asked Questions

Is This Mandatory?

Compliance checks are a best practice security measure for all companies, and required by SEC, FINRA and other regulatory guidelines. Venn strongly recommends using Compliance Checks to protect your data, but it is the firm's responsibility to determine what they want to do.  Venn is here to assist with configuring the policies and settings at your CCO, CSO or CMs direction.

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What Does This Mean for Users?

Users that wish to access to Workplace will be required to have the Workplace for Windows or Mac installed. This is required for access to both the desktop and Workplace web app.

In order to install and run Compliance Status checks with Workplace for Windows or Mac, users must be running a supported Operating System.

Users do not necessarily need to PASS all Compliance Status checks during Phase I. The only Phase I requirement is that the checks are run.

Phase I will not affect mobile access in any way. Users may see mobile access affected in Phase II but that is to be determined. Users will be informed before any changes take place that will affect mobile access.

Enforcement of desktop Compliance Status checks is part of Phase II, as well.

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What Information Does Workplace Collect?

For more info on the data Workplace collects, please see our help center articles, Workplace Extension: Data Workplace Collects and Workplace Desktop: Data Workplace Collects.

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What Happens If I Fail Checks during Phase I?

If a user fails one or more checks during Phase I, their work is not altered nor are they prevented from accessing Workplace in any way. The pass/fail status of their device and the specific checks are reported and available to Company Managers. During Phase I, failed checks do not affect access to Workplace.

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I Have the Desktop Application Installed, Why Is It Asking Me to Install Again?

If a user finds that Workplace for Windows or Mac is already installed and they are being asked to install again, it may be because the Workplace extension may not be installed or enabled. For reference, the Workplace extension is installed in browsers by default during the install of Workplace for Windows or Mac.

For more information, please see: Installing and Enabling the Workplace Extension on Windows and Installing and Enabling the Workplace Extension on macOS.

In certain rare troubleshooting scenarios, in order to fully enable Workplace for Windows or Mac (and its appropriate extension), users may find that they need to uninstall and reinstall Workplace.

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Can These Settings Be Changed by Anyone?

Currently, only Venn can change the Compliance Status checks, check policy and/or software install requirement. A dashboard to allow Company Managers to alter their policy and the check requirements is scheduled to be released in the coming months.

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I'm a Company Manager, What If I Want to Move to Phase II and Enforce These Checks?

If a Company Manager would like to move to Phase II of the Dynamic Access Control rollout, please get in touch with your Customer Success team member for additional information and assistance.

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How Do I Remediate These Checks?

For more information on how to resolve these checks, please check out these Troubleshooting articles.

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