Administrator Account Access Required on Device
In order to uninstall Workplace, you must have access to an Administrator account on your PC or Mac. If you do not have access to this account, please reach out to your IT department.
The following steps describe how to uninstall Workplace Desktop.
Windows 10 & 11
- Navigate to Apps in Settings.
- Select Workplace under Apps and features.
- Click Uninstall.
It is recommended that you restart the computer after uninstalling Workplace.
Alternatively, you can uninstall Workplace from the Start menu or the Control Panel on your Windows device. Learn how in this support article from Microsoft.
Automatic Uninstall
- Quit Workplace.
- Navigate to the Applications folder.
- Drag to the Trash.
You will be prompted for administrator credentials.
Manual Uninstall
Deleting the Workplace app from the application folder will not fully uninstall Workplace for Mac.
To fully uninstall Workplace for Mac:
- Launch the Terminal application from the Applications folder.
- Copy and run the following command.
python3 /Applications/
- The script will prompt for administrator credentials. Enter your password and press return.
Workplace for Mac will be fully uninstalled once the script exits cleanly.
If Terminal returns a message indicating that Python is not installed, run the following command instead.
sudo /bin/bash /Applications/
The script will prompt for administrator credentials. Enter your password and press return and the script will complete running. Workplace for Mac will be fully uninstalled once the script exits cleanly.
It is recommended to restart the computer after uninstalling Workplace.
For instructions that cover how to reinstall Workplace, see Installing Workplace Desktop.