Certain Files Do Not Sync to Workplace Drive

Microsoft has identified a list of file names and file types that can cause issues when using a cloud-based file-system.  Click here to review.

In addition, Workplace has identified a list of characters and file types that can cause significant performance issues when accessing Workplace Drive in a hosted file manager. 

Unsupported Characters

To prevent downtime and a negative experience, the following characters are not supported and files and folders named with these characters will not sync to Workplace Drive in addition to the invalid characters Microsoft has identified:

  • Backslash ("\")
  • Left curly brace ("{")
  • Non-printable ASCII characters (128–255 decimal characters)
  • Caret ("^")
  • Right curly brace ("}")
  • Percent character ("%")
  • Grave accent / back tick ("`")
  • Right square bracket ("]")
  • Quotation marks
  • 'Greater Than' symbol (">")
  • Left square bracket ("[")
  • Tilde ("~")
  • 'Less Than' symbol ("<")
  • 'Pound' character ("#")
  • Vertical bar / pipe ("|")

Unsupported File Types

To prevent downtime and a negative experience, the following file types will not sync to Workplace Drive in addition to the invalid file name and file types Microsoft has identified:

File Type File Description
.dropbox Dropbox keeps a record of information about your main Dropbox folder and your shared folders. This information is saved in folders named ".dropbox" in the main Dropbox folder, or in a parent shared Dropbox folder.
.ds_store A macOS file that stores custom attributes of its containing folders, such as the position of icons or the choice of a background image.  
desktop.ini A Windows file that stores custom attributes of its containing folders, such as the position of icons or the choice of a background image. 
thumbs.db A Windows file used to store thumbnail images for Windows Explorer.
.lnk A Windows shortcut file.  Shortcut files are used as direct links to other files or folders. 


Incompleted downloads files
(ex: Safari Downloads or Chrome Downloads)

Microsoft Office Owner File.

When a previously saved file is opened for editing, for printing, or for review, Office creates a temporary file that has an Office file name extension. This filename extension begins with a tilde (~) that is followed by a dollar sign ($) that is followed by the remainder of the original file name.

This temporary file holds the login name of the person who has the file open. This temporary file is called the "owner file."


Microsoft Sharepoint Owner File. 

Similar to the Office owner file but for all Sharepoint files.

.<filename>.<extension> Hidden Files in macOS
<filename>.tmp Temporary Files

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