H:102.01 VDA Hybrid for Browsers

VDA Hybrid for Browsers is where you can edit the order of your starred apps and websites, share files, and more.

Launching VDA Hybrid for Browsers

If you wish to use VDA Hybrid and VDA Hybrid LocalZone™ for Browsers to edit bookmarks or perform File functions, for example, you need to launch the web app from the globe Globe_icon.png icon in Workplace for Windows and macOS.


Launch_Page_Windows_Globe_VDA_Essentials_HYBRID.png Launch_Page_Mac_Globe_VDA_Essentials_HYBRID.png

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Using VDA Hybrid for Browsers

When you launch VDA Hybrid in your default browser, you are able to manage files and launch websites, but your applications will need to launch in a Hosted environment, indicated by the gray cloud.

NOTE: For LocalZone™ users, signing into VDA Hybrid for Browsers outside of LocalZone™ will prompt a warning that you are unable to continue.



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VDA Hybrid for Browsers with Limited Access

When your device goes out of compliance, for any reason, you will see a banner alerting you that you have limited access to Workplace. Websites will now be launched in a Hosted browser.


  • You can perform most File functions when your device is out of compliance, such as Rename, Move, Create new file, and Create new folder.
  • Files can be previewed in the browser, but can only be edited in the appropriate Hosted app.
  • You cannot download files.



For greater functionality, we recommend that you launch new hosted applications from Workplace for Windows and macOS and not through a Hosted browser. 

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