Viewing All Folders Shared with a Guest User

The Workplace file system makes it easy for Workplace users to share folders with other people, both inside and outside the Workplace ecosystem. This allows individuals to share and collaborate on files, securely within the Workplace ecosystem.

Company Managers can manage and administrate all external users that have been invited to the Workplace ecosystem. 

View All Shared Folders

  1. Navigate to and sign in with valid credentials.
    You may be required to verify the sign in by completing the multifactor authentication on your mobile device.
  2. Click Company admin or Manage > Company admin.
  3. Click All guests.
  4. Locate the guest user and click on the Guest User Row to View Additional Details
  5. Click View Files.
  6. View Folder List.
    Workplace will display a list of folders the guest user has access to and the permission level for each folder.

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