Use Workplace Drive for Your Work Files with Venn

Venn has a built-in file system called Workplace Drive. Files saved in Workplace Drive are secure and backed up in the cloud. 

Your Workplace Drive is located on the virtual, encrypted, local drive within the Secure Enclave on your device called Venn Disk. Venn Disk is only accessible when you’re logged into Venn. Learn more about Venn Disk.

Users should never save files directly on the main V: Drive (Venn Disk).

Files should only be saved within your Workplace Drive folder on Venn Disk to ensure that they are backed up in your cloud storage system.

The root of the Venn Disk (V:) Drive is not synced to any cloud storage and files saved there may be subject to data loss.

Learn more about how to access file systems in the Venn Disk:

If your company uses another cloud-based file storage solution such as Box or Dropbox or if you use Google Drive on a Mac, Workplace Drive will be your default file system in Blue Border. You can download files from the web portal for your company's file system to Workplace Drive to work on them and upload files that they have saved to Workplace Drive to your company's file system. 

Accessing Workplace Drive on Windows

Workplace Drive must be launched from Venn to connect to the cloud file system. If you open the Finder outside Blue Border (for example, from the Start Menu or Desktop), you will not be able to access the files in Workplace Drive.

To access Workplace Drive on Windows:

  1. Log in to Venn’s Workplace app.
  2. Click the Folder icon in the bottom left of the Launcher or click the app called Files or File Explorer on the Launch or Apps page of the Launcher.

    Launcher_Access Files_Windows.png

  3. File Explorer will open inside Blue Border.
  4. Double-click to open the Venn Disk (V:) drive under This PC in File Explorer.

    Venn Disk_Windows.png

  5. Double-click to open Workplace Drive.
Right-click Workplace Drive and select Pin to Quick access to make it easily accessible at the top of your File Explorer.

You can also open Recent Files and Starred Files and Folders directly from the Launcher.

Launcher_Recent and Starred Files:Folders_Windows.png

Accessing Workplace Drive on Mac

Workplace Drive must be launched from Venn to connect to the cloud file system. If you open the Finder outside Blue Border (for example, from the Dock or Launcher), you will not be able to access the files in Workplace Drive.

To access Workplace Drive on Mac:

  1. Log in to Venn’s Workplace app.
  2. Click the Drive icon in the bottom left of the Launcher or click the app called Files or Finder on the Launch or Apps page of the Launcher.

    Launcher_Access Files_Mac.png

  3. Finder will open inside Blue Border.
  4. Click workplace_ under Locations to open Workplace Drive.

    Workplace Drive_Mac.png

You can also open Recent Files and Starred Files and Folders directly from the Launcher.

Launcher_Recent and Starred Files:Folders_Mac.png

Available Folders in Workplace Drive

Within the Workplace Drive, each user will see the following folders:

  • Personal Folder (labeled with your name): This folder acts as the default save location when saving a file inside Blue Border.
  • Secure Downloads Folder: This folder serves as the default location for files downloaded inside Blue Border.

You may also see folders that are available to everyone in your company or folders that have been shared with you.

Open, Edit, Save, and Delete Files in Workplace Drive

To open a file, navigate to the file location in Workplace Drive and double-click the file to open it. Venn will download the file from the cloud and open it with the appropriate application on your computer.

As you edit the file and save your changes, the updated version of the file will auto-sync with the cloud.

If you create a new file that you would like to save to Workplace Drive, navigate to the appropriate Workplace Drive location in the Save As dialog box to save the file to the appropriate location. You can only save a file to Workplace Drive if you have it open in Blue Border. 

Users should never save files directly on the main V: Drive (Venn Disk).

Files should only be saved within your OneDrive folder on Venn Disk to ensure that they are backed up in your cloud storage system.

The root of the Venn Disk (V:) Drive is not synced to any cloud storage and files saved there may be subject to data loss.
Individual files are limited to 2 GB (2000 MB or 2,000,000 kB) in order to be saved in Workplace Drive.
If you need to move a file from a personal location such as your Desktop or Documents folder into Workplace Drive, you can copy and paste the file. Depending on your company’s Data Loss Prevention Policies, you may not be able to move files from Workplace Drive to a personal location on your device.

If you would like to delete a file from Workplace Drive, you can follow the standard process to do so in Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder.

Create and Delete Folders in Workplace Drive

Within the Workplace Drive, you will see your Personal (labeled with your name) and Secure Downloads folders along with any other highest-level or root folders that have been created by and/or shared with you that may have subfolders nested beneath them. For example, you could have a root folder called Marketing in Workplace Drive that has subfolders called Branding, Event Materials, Campaigns, etc.

To create or delete any subfolders in Workplace Drive, you can follow the standard process to do so in Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder:

To create or delete root folders within Workplace Drive, you will need to open the Workplace web app. To open the web app, click the globe icon in the Workplace desktop app, located in the bottom left corner on Windows and the top right corner on Mac.

Create a Root Folder

To create a root folder:

  1. In the Workplace web app, click Files in the menu at left.

    Workplace Web App_Menu_Files.png

  2. Click New Folder.

    Workplace Web App_New Folder.png

  3. Input a name for the folder and click Create and go to folder.

    Workplace Web App_Create Folder.png

Delete a Root Folder

To delete a root folder:

  1. In the Workplace web app, click Files in the menu at left.

    Workplace Web App_Menu_Files.png

  2. Right-click the folder you would like to delete and click Delete.

    Workplace Web App_Delete Folder.png

  3. Click Confirm Delete in the confirmation popup.

Sharing Files and Folders in Workplace Drive

When you use Workplace Drive, you have the ability to share files and folders with coworkers, collaborators, clients, and more.

In order to share files and folders and manage sharing in Workplace Drive, you will need to open the Workplace web app. To open the web app, click the globe icon in the Workplace desktop app, located in the bottom left corner on Windows and the top right corner on Mac.

If you want to share a static version of a file, you can attach files stored in Workplace Drive to emails or instant messaging apps such as Teams or Slack instead of generating a Workplace Drive sharing link.

Share a File

To share a file:

  1. In the Workplace web app, click Files in the menu at left.

    Workplace Web App_Menu_Files.png

  2. Locate the file that you would like to share.
  3. Click the file row and then click Share.
    Your company may restrict which files you can share. If the Share button does not appear, you do not have permission to share the file.

    Workplace Web App_Share File.png

  4. From here, select the appropriate option:
    • Public: For non-secure files, simply copy the link to the clipboard and paste into an email. Depending on your company's configuration, Public sharing might be disabled. 
    • Tracked: See the recipient's mobile number in the Activity Log. This is a helpful feature when collaborating with co-workers and clients.
    • Private: Use this link for sensitive documents.

      Workplace Web App_Share File_Link Sharing Options.png

  5. Copy the link to the clipboard and share it via email, chat, SMS, or whatever other method you prefer.

    Workplace Web App_Share File_Sharing Link.png

The file will appear in your files list with a link next to it, indicating that there is a sharing link available.

Workplace Web App_Linked File.png

View Shared File Activity

If you shared a file, you can view file history and see who has accessed tracked or private links in the Workplace web app.

To view file activity sharing a file:

  1. In the Workplace web app, click Shared files in the menu at left.

    Workplace Web App_Menu_Shared Files.png

  2. Click the file row and then click the link icon.

    Shared Files.png

  3. Click View Activity.

    Shared File_View Activity in Link.png

You will see all activity for the shared file.

Shared File_Activity Screen.png

Stop Sharing a File

You can stop sharing a file by “breaking” the sharing link, which will result in people who you previously shared the file with using a sharing link being unable to access it.

To view file activity or stop sharing a file:

  1. In the Workplace web app, click Shared files in the menu at left.

    Workplace Web App_Menu_Shared Files.png

  2. Click the X icon to the right of the file name.

    Shared File_X to Break Link.png

  3. To confirm, click Break Link.

Share a Folder

To share a folder:

  1. In the Workplace web app, click Files in the menu at left.

    Workplace Web App_Menu_Files.png

  2. Locate the folder that you would like to share.
  3. Click the folder row and then click Share.
    Your company may restrict which folders you can share. If the folder says “Sharing not allowed” next to it in the Files list or the Share button does not appear, you cannot share it.

    Workplace Web App_Share Folder.png

  4. From here, input the names of coworkers or guests you would like to share the folder with and click Add.

    Workplace Web App_Share Folder_Add People.png

  5. Update the permissions of the invitees, add an optional message, and click Share folder.

    Workplace Web App_Share Folder_Permissions.png

The person you shared with will now have access to the folder in their Workplace Drive.

Update Folder Sharing

Once you have shared a folder, you can change the permissions of collaborators or remove them from folders.

To update folder sharing:

  1. In the Workplace web app, click Files in the menu at left.

    Workplace Web App_Menu_Files.png

  2. Locate the folder that you would like to update sharing for.
  3. Click the folder row and then click Share.

    Workplace Web App_Update Folder Sharing.png

  4. Click the drop-down to the right of a collaborator’s name and adjust sharing permissions.

    Workplace Web App_Share Folder_Change Permissions.png

A popup will confirm that the changes have been applied.

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