Creating a Group

Make it easier to collaborate on a project or to share files within a department. Follow these steps to create a new group for your team.

Create a New Group

  1. Navigate to and sign in with valid credentials.
    You may be required to verify the sign-in by completing the multifactor authentication on your mobile device.
  2. Click Company admin or Manage > Company admin.
  3. Click Create group.
  4. Fill in Basic Information for the group. 
    Click the expand icon next to each feature to view a description of the feature.
    Note: A Group Must Be Marked as a Department to Be Seen in the Web App.
    Department groups can be:
    - recipients of shared websites and folders
    - recipients of assigned local apps
    - viewed in the Directory
    - used in Activity and Compliance pro-filters
  5. Click Save changes to create the group.
    This Process Can Take A Few Minutes.
    Do NOT refresh the page after Save changes has been clicked.

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