VDA LocalZone™ for Browsers is where you can edit the order of your starred apps and websites, share files, edit bookmarks or perform File functions. Refer to VDA Essentials Learning Path for ways to work with your Websites and Files in Workplace for Browsers.
How to open Workplace for Browsers in LocalZone™
To open Workplace for Browsers, you need to launch the web app from the globe icon in Workplace for Windows and macOS so that it opens in a LocalZone™ browser.
Signing in to Workplace for Browsers outside of LocalZone™ will prompt a notice that your session timed out and you need to sign into your work website or app again.
If you see an app with a gray cloud attached, you are able to work with the app in a hosted environment.
If you see an app with an orange triangle, it means that the app is local only and not configured for hosted. You will need to launch the app from Workplace for Windows or macOS, as indicated by the orange triangle.
You can perform most file functions, except that files cannot be downloaded. Files can be previewed in the browser, but can only be edited in the appropriate Hosted app, if available.
You can launch your websites from within the LocalZone™ browser, which will open the website in a new tab. If the website is tagged with a gray cloud, it will open in a hosted browser.
Edit Starred Apps & Websites on the Launch Page
To edit your Starred Apps & Websites, click Edit.
- click and drag the icons to rearrange them.
- click the X to remove them from your favorites.
- click Done when you're finished.