Install Apps on Your Computer to Access Using Venn

Each app must be installed on your computer in order to access it using Venn's Blue Border™.

Learn how to install work-managed applications on a mobile device.

Apps Not Installed or Detected on Your Computer

You may notice that some apps in your list appear with a brown download icon. This icon indicates that the app cannot be detected on your computer by Venn.

Workplace Desktop_Launch_Uninstalled App.png

Typically, this is because the app is not installed on your computer. In order to use the app in Venn, install the app following the instructions below.

In some cases, an app may be installed on your computer but cannot be located by Venn. The following factors are common causes for apps not being detected on by Venn:

  • The app is built on the UWP platform (typically installed from the Microsoft Store).
  • The app installed is a 32-bit application (some 32-bit applications experience performance issues in Venn).
  • The .lnk file to the app cannot be found.

Reinstalling the app following the instructions below typically resolves these issues.

Install or Reinstall an App

To use an app that is not installed on your computer or cannot be detected by Venn:

  1. Review your computer's app list to see if the app is installed.
  2. If the app is installed, uninstall it.
  3. Install the app.
    1. Open Workspace and go to the Apps page.
    2. Click the app and then click Install.

      Workplace Desktop_Apps_Uninstalled App_Install.png

    3. If your Company Manager has configured automatic and/or manual downloads for the app, you will be prompted to install it.
      1. Click Install for me if prompted and the app will automatically be installed by Venn using the installer configured for your company.
      2. Click Get installer if prompted and you will be brought to the page where your company would like you to download the app.
    4. If your Company Manager hasn’t configured automatic and/or manual downloads for the app, you will not see the Install button. Instead, you will see a message telling you that you need to install the app.
      1. Open an internet browser outside of Venn.
      2. Visit the app's website and go to the download page.
      3. Locate the 64-bit Windows or Mac install file.
      4. Download and install the app.

After installation, it may take a few minutes for Venn to detect that the app was installed. If Venn does not detect the installation after several minutes, log out and back in to Venn.

Once you have installed the app, you can open it in Venn for the first time.

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