File System Integrations Overview for Admins

You can choose between several different options for secure file storage for your Venn users.

Users can access, open, work on, save, and delete files from our supported file storage systems seamlessly from Venn Disk in File Explorer on Windows or from Locations in Finder on Mac when they are working in Blue Border. 

Venn Disk_Windows.png Locations_Mac.png

Venn has integrations with the following third-party cloud-based file systems:

Additionally, Venn offers integrations with the following file storage solutions:

  • Triofox: a third-party solution that you can use to give users access to your company’s files stored on a remote server
  • Workplace Drive: Venn’s proprietary cloud-based file system (recommended if you do not use any of the file storage systems listed above)

As a Company Manager, you can configure which file storage solution(s) are available for use in Venn using the File Storage and Data Control Data Loss Prevention Policy. Using this policy, you can determine which file systems are available to users by default and to specific users or groups of users as needed and the default save and download locations for users' documents.


Venn has integration with OneDrive that allows users to access, open, work on, save, and delete files from OneDrive seamlessly from their File Explorer or Finder when they are working in Blue Border. Learn how to use OneDrive with Venn as an end user.

As a Company Manager, you can set up OneDrive as an available file system in Venn.

Google Drive

Venn has integration with Google Drive that allows users to access, open, work on, save, and delete files from Google Drive seamlessly from their File Explorer when they are working in Blue Border. Learn how to use Google Drive with Venn as an end user.

As a Company Manager, you can set up Google Drive as an available file system in Venn.

The Google Drive integration with Venn is only available on Windows. Mac users can securely use the web version of Google Drive in Blue Border. 


Venn has integration with Egnyte that allows users to access, open, work on, save, and delete files from Egnyte seamlessly from their File Explorer or Finder when they are working in Blue Border. 

As a Company Manager, you can enable Egnyte as an available file system in Venn using the File Storage and Data Control Data Loss Prevention Policy.


If your users need secure access to company files on a remote server, Venn offers an integration with Triofox, a cloud file server solution that enables secure remote access to on-premises file servers.

With Triofox installed on the server, users can access, open, work on, save, and delete files from the remote server seamlessly from their File Explorer or Finder when they are working in Blue Border.

As a Company Manager, you can enable Triofox as an available file system in Venn using the File Storage and Data Control Data Loss Prevention Policy.

Workplace Drive

Venn also offers a proprietary cloud-based file system called Workplace Drive, which is a simple, secure, cloud-based file system. You may choose to enable Workplace Drive as your users' primary cloud-based file storage system if your company does not currently have a cloud-based file storage system.

Alternatively, if your company uses a third-party cloud-based file system that Venn does not have an integration with (such as Box or Dropbox), we recommend that you continue to use that as your primary file system in combination with Workplace Drive. In this circumstance, Workplace Drive acts as the user’s default save and download location on their device when using Venn and users can access your third-party file system securely in the browser. Users can download files from your primary file system’s web portal to Workplace Drive to work on them and upload files that they have saved in Workplace Drive to your primary file system via the file system's web portal.

Learn how to use Workplace Drive with Venn as an end user.

As a Company Manager, you can enable Workplace Drive as an available file system in Venn using the File Storage and Data Control Data Loss Prevention Policy.

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