As a Company Manager, you can keep track of Known Devices in Venn. This can help you identify unusual behavior by tracking when Venn is accessed by "unknown" devices.
Additionally, one of the available Compliance Security Checks in Venn is the Known Device check. By requiring this check, you can limit access to Venn such that users can only use Venn on devices that have been identified as their approved or "known" devices. To learn how to require or recommend this check, see Modifying Desktop Device Policy Settings or Modifying Mobile Device Policy Settings.
Mark a Device as Known
To mark a device as a Known Device:
- Navigate to and Sign In with valid credentials. You may be required to verify the sign-in by completing the multifactor authentication on your mobile device.
- In the top navigation bar, click Company admin or Manage > Company admin.
- From the left navigation menus, click All Devices.
- Locate the user’s devices using the filters at the top of the page. Click the row of the device you would like to mark as known.
- Go to the Device Details tab in the Device panel.
- Check the box next to I know this device.
A popup will confirm that the device is marked as known.
How Does Venn Determine if Devices are Known
Every time a user logs in, Venn captures the device and user information and updates the All Devices list in Company Admin. The All Devices list captures each unique user-device combination. For example, if two employees log into Venn on the same computer, each person's user-device combination would appear as a separate entry on the All Devices list.
Unique user-device combinations that have been previously marked as known in Company Admin are classified as Known Devices.
When a user logs into Venn on a computer, Venn checks the following information about the device:
Computer Details
- Computer Name: The name assigned to the computer.
- Computer Manufacturer: The company that produced the computer.
- Computer Version: The model or version of the computer.
- Computer Serial Number: A unique identifier assigned by the manufacturer.
Mainboard Information
- Mainboard Manufacturer: The company that manufactured the mainboard.
- Mainboard Name: The model or product name of the mainboard.
- Mainboard Version: The version or revision number of the mainboard.
- Mainboard Serial Number: A unique identifier for the mainboard.
BIOS and CPU Specifications
- BIOS Vendor: The provider of the BIOS firmware.
- CPU Vendor: The company that produced the CPU.
- CPU Manufacturer: The name of the CPU manufacturer.
- CPU Name: The model name of the CPU.
- CPU Caption: Detailed technical information about the CPU, such as family, revision number, etc.
- CPU Id: A unique identifier for the CPU.
System Drive Information
- System Drive Vendor: The manufacturer of the system drive.
- System Drive Product Id: The model or product ID of the system drive.
- System Drive Serial Number: A unique identifier for the system drive.
All of this information must be consistent in order for a computer to be considered the same unique device.