Venn has tools that support teams can use to narrow down what might be preventing Venn from running correctly on a device so that they can conduct in-depth troubleshooting.
In Company admin, you can remotely generate diagnostics for the device where Venn is not working properly for analysis. You can then use the ReadyBlue Device Readiness Report and complete device diagnostics to troubleshoot issues.
Remotely Request Diagnostics
You can remotely generate diagnostics from the device where Venn is not working properly for analysis in Company admin.
- Navigate to and sign in.
- Click Company admin or Manage > Company admin.
- Click All Devices in the sidebar at left.
- Locate the impacted user’s devices using the filters at the top of the page. Click the row of the impacted device.
- Go to the Actions tab in the Device panel.
- Click Get diagnostics and enter the email address where you would like to be notified when the diagnostics are available and click Get diagnostics.
Venn will generate diagnostics on the selected device and upload the report to Company admin when complete. Diagnostics may take some time to generate depending on the size of the file and the current load on the user’s device where diagnostics are being requested. User activity on the device is always prioritized over diagnostic operations.
Once the file has been generated, follow the steps below to access and download the diagnostics file.
Access Generated Diagnostics
Once you receive an email confirmation that the requested diagnostics are available, you can access and download the report from Company admin. The diagnostic file will be available for download for 48 hours after it is generated.
- When logged into Venn on the web, click Company admin or Manage > Company admin in the top navigation bar.
- Click All Devices in the sidebar at left.
- Locate the impacted user’s devices using the filters at the top of the page. Click the row of the impacted device.
- Go to the Actions tab in the Device panel.
- Click Download report.
Windows device diagnostics will be downloaded as a zip file called workplace-diagnostics-<user's SID>.zip
Mac device diagnostics will be downloaded as a zip file called workplace-diagnostics-<date generated>-<6-digit number>.zip
Follow the steps below to troubleshoot device issues on Windows or Mac devices.
In the event that variables change and you need new diagnostic data to continue troubleshooting, you can generate diagnostics again by clicking Get diagnostics on the Actions tab of the Device panel.
Troubleshooting Using ReadyBlue on Windows Devices
We recommend starting your troubleshooting with ReadyBlue, which is a diagnostic tool that identifies what device issues could be preventing Venn from starting or working properly on a device. The ReadyBlue Device Readiness Report can be found in the ReadyBlue folder within the diagnostics folder that is downloaded when you generate remote diagnostics. It will be named ready-blue-report-<date generated>.html
If end users are experiencing device issues, they may run ReadyBlue themselves and share their Device Readiness Report with you.
The Device Readiness Report will not be included in the diagnostic folder for Mac devices.
Learn how to use ReadyBlue to troubleshoot issues opening and using Venn.
Troubleshoot Using Full Diagnostics on Windows Devices
Windows device diagnostics will be downloaded as a zip file called workplace-diagnostics-<user's SID>.zip
We recommend starting your troubleshooting with ReadyBlue, which is a diagnostic tool that identifies what device issues could be preventing Venn from starting or working properly on a device.
The zip file will contain a file called diagnostics.html as well as the following folders:
- BrowserHelperLogs
- ConfigurationFiles
- ConnectivityMonitoringLogs
- Container
- DeviceComplianceInfo
- DeviceComplianceLogs
- DwmAssemblies
- Events
- Policies
- ReadyBlue
- SystemProcessModules
- UpdateLogs
- WorkplaceLogs
- WorkplaceSettingsDB
If you are unable to determine what is preventing Venn from running using ReadyBlue or diagnostics, please contact Venn support.
Troubleshoot Using Full Diagnostics on Mac Devices
Mac device diagnostics will be downloaded as a zip file called workplace-diagnostics-<date generated>-<6-digit number>.zip
The zip file will contain a file called diagnostics.html as well as the following folders:
- CrashReports
- DB files
- PermissionCheck
- Preferences
- WorkplaceLogs
If you are unable to determine what is preventing Venn from running using diagnostics, please contact Venn support.