Unenrolling a Mobile Device from Venn's MDM Solution

Venn provides access to all your work emails, contacts, calendars, files, and websites — all within a dynamic and secure perimeter that helps you protect sensitive company and customer information.

If you are no longer planning on using a mobile device to access your work-related data, consider unenrolling the device from Venn's MDM Solution.

To Unenroll an Android Device

Unenroll via Workplace App

  1. Open Workplace for Android in the Work Profile.
  2. Tap on the More tab.
  3. Tap Unenroll my device.
  4. Tap Unenroll my device on the confirmation screen.
  5. Workplace will delete the work profile, including all work apps and data, and complete the unenrollment process.

Unenroll via Settings

Instructions for stock Android 12
The instructions below are for stock Android 12. Process may differ depending on Android OS version and device manufacturer. Please contact your device manufacturer for additional information.

In the event you are no longer able to sign into the Workplace application, follow the steps below to unenroll your device via the Settings app.

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Search for Password & accounts.
  3. Tap the Work tap.
  4. Tap Remove Work profile.
  5. Android OS will delete the work profile, including all work apps and data, and complete the unenrollment process.

To Unenroll an iOS/iPadOS Device

Unenroll via Workplace App

  1. Open Workplace for iOS.
  2. Tap on the More tab.
  3. Tap Unenroll my device.
  4. Tap Unenroll my device on the confirmation screen.
  5. Workplace will delete the work profile, including all work apps and data, and complete the unenrollment process.

Unenroll via Settings on iOS 15 and Later

In the event you are no longer able to sign into the Workplace application, follow the steps below to unenroll your device via the Settings app.

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Locate and tap your company name near the top.
  3. Tap Sign Out.
  4. Tap Sign Out on the confirmation prompt.
  5. iOS will delete the work profile, including all work apps and data, and complete the unenrollment process.

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