Assigning Users to a Managed Mobile Application

Venn Secure Enclave for Mobile devices enables Partners and Company admins to provision Google Play applications with additional security controls so that they can be accessed and protected on personally-owned devices (aka BYOD).

Assign Users to a Managed Application

  1. Navigate to and Sign In with valid credentials.
    You may be required to verify the sign-in by completing the multifactor authentication on your mobile device.
  2. Click Company admin or Manage > Company admin.


  3. Click All apps and then click Android or iOS & iPadOS.
  4. Click on the application you would like to assign users to.
    A summary panel for the application will appear.
  5. Click Add or edit users.


  6. Applications can be assigned to:
    • All Users.
      • Click the radio button next to Assign to all users to assign the applications to the All User group.


    • Users assigned to a related website.
      • Click the radio button next to Inherit users from a website.
      • Click Select next to the related website to inherit those users.
  7. Select the desired App setting:
    • Check the box to set the application as required. 
      Required applications are installed automatically on enrolled devices and can not be uninstalled by the end user.
    • Uncheck the box to set the application as optional. 
      Optional applications can be installed manually via the Mobile Access Client and can be uninstalled by the end user.
  8. Click Save.

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