Disabling a User

This Option Will Disable/Freeze a User's Account.
You Will Be Able to Re-Activate the Account in Case You Want to Review the User's Emails or Files Later.

When you have a user who is leaving the organization, it is recommended to disable the user instead of permanently deleting a user.  

What Happens When You Disable a User

Disabling a user will:

  • Prevent anyone from signing in to that account and disable apps, files, and email.
  • Preserve account activity info, files, group membership, and portal attributes for review and recovery.
  • Continue incurring costs for the account and resources utilized (i.e., assigned applications, emails, storage).

To minimize costs, consider removing the user from groups with applications that have licenses with monthly costs (i.e., Microsoft Office), delete the account, or contact support for recommendations.

How to Disable a User

To disable a user:

  1. Navigate to login.venn.com and sign in with valid credentials.
    You may be required to verify the sign-in by completing the multifactor authentication on your mobile device.
  2. Click Company admin or Manage > Company admin.
  3. Click Directory > Users from the left navigation.
  4. Locate the target user in the user list and click on them to bring up the user detail panel.
  5. From the panel click Manage User (this will redirect you to the legacy admin portal).

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  6. Click on Security options from the left navigation and click Edit at the bottom of the page.


  7. Check the box next to Account disabled and Login Disabled.
    A pop-up will appear. When you’re done reading, click OK.

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  8. Click Save changes at the bottom of the page.

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